When is a G-Body not a G-Body?


Why, when its an A-Body of course!

Yeah, I know.  There’s always that guy.  “BUT ITS AN A BODY NOT A G BODY.”

Look.  Here’s the deal.  From 1978-1981, GM actually did call our beloved cars by two names.  Sometimes 3 if you really want to get picky about it.  So, in this post, I’m going to try to break it down for you.

In 1982, the A designation was put on the brand new front wheel drive platform, and all remaining RWD models became G cars.  That’s cars like the Cutlass Ciera, Buick Century, and Chevy Celebrity.  Recognize any of those names? Yep, the Century and the Cutlass got appropriated!

The thing is, though, that even if it technically was an “A” instead of a “G”….   its really just the same thing.  The distinction was made to distinguish between model variants under the same marque.  They really are mostly identical.  Mostly.

Let’s get started.


From what I can tell, ALL Chevrolet “G” bodies where actually A cars from 1978-1981.  The Monte Carlo bearing the “A-sp” or “A-special” label in 1981.  As far as I know this also applies to the GMC Caballero.


From 1978-1981, The red-headed stepchild Century and its longer-lasting partner the Regal were A body cars, with the Regal being called the “A-sp” or “A-special” in 1981.


As far as I know, the Olds Cutlass variants from 1978-1981 were really A cars.  No special here in 1981 (see image left)….





1976-1981 Pontiac Parts Manual Excerpt

From 1978-1981, the LeMans family was the A-body, and the Grand Prix was actually a G-body.  I suppose to continue the distinction from previous model years.  Sort of.  The Grand Prix gets called an “A” in several places as well.  Why they did this I literally have no clue.  Just to muddy the waters I suppose.

Wait, except like the Monte and Regal, in 1981 the Grand Prix designator was “A-sp” or “A-special.”  It’s true.  If you look in the body/service and parts manuals, this is how they’re listed. 

Also, in 1982, the Bonneville name switched from the big B-body car to the 4-door and wagon G-body variant.

I mean, if you REALLY want to get technical, back in 1969 Pontiac first used it on the new Grand Prix, and then in 1970 the Monte Carlo joined the platform until 1972.



I see far too often this topic come up, and people getting genuinely butthurt and being misinformed.  It’s not even worth getting upset about.  Yes your Malibu or LeMans might be an A body, but we still love you just the same.


  1. I think the magazine is a great idea, I have a 79 Grand Lemans w/ a 455 bored 30 over,th400 behind and 3:73’s behind that. not too many of these around so as you can imagine parts are nearly impossible to find. if anyone out there has or knows where i can find anything for it, it would be greatly appreciated.

  2. I have a 1981 Chevy Elcamino and in need of a full steering column! What other car or truck I can just pull one out and mount in mind! Need help!

  3. So… I was searching to find if any other manufacturer had a “G Platform” (like both GM and Mopar have a “B Body”)
    when I found this and knew I had to know what was up.

    My question on this topic is:
    •Are the frames/chassis any different (actually/not-picking-nits/realistically/NOTABLY different)
    from say a ’78 Monte Carlo to an ’84 Monte Carlo?

  4. I thought LMC truck did El Camino parts-but they DO NOT…
    I had a paragraph about not remembering but I finally remembered!
    Check them out. They did some of the first Monte Carlo front end El Caminos I’d ever seen back in the early 2000’s- they used to have custom parts but I haven’t been to the site in several years, and since I’m guessing they don’t pay Google to brainwash you and make you buy stuff, I had to use my noggin to remember it!

  5. I still refer to those downsized GM midsized for model year 1977-1981 as ‘A’, even if Pontiac’s Grand Prix was the lone-designated G before the M/Y 1982 FrontWD A’s(Celebrity, 6000, Ciera, Century) debuted. Keep it simple, folks.

    To call a 1977-81 Monte Carlo, Century, Cutlass Supreme, etc. a G-body would be like referring to Reagan as President in 1977, when obviously Carter took that office in January of that year.


    I still refer to those downsized GM midsized for model year 1977-1981 as ‘A’, even if Pontiac’s Grand Prix was the lone-designated G before the M/Y 1982 FrontWD A’s(Celebrity, 6000, Ciera, Century) debuted. Keep it simple, folks.

    To call a 197*8*-81 Monte Carlo, Century, Cutlass Supreme, etc. a G-body would be like referring to Reagan as President in 1977, when obviously Carter took that office the year prior, until Jan. 1981.

    • As far as I’m aware, ALL ’78-’88 A/G Body cars have the 108″ wheelbase, including the 4-doors and wagons. EXCEPT the El Camino which has the 116″ wheelbase. The earlier (’73-’77) cars were IIRC 112″


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