Tech Tuesday: G-Body Manual Transmission Information

G-Body Manual Transmission
G-Body Manual Transmission

Hey guys and gals, this is the first in a (hopefully) weekly segment I’m gonna call “Tech Tuesday” where I find a really helpful technical thread, how-to, or otherwise useful set of information from

This week, its all the info you’ll probably ever need to put pretty much any kind of manual transmission into your G-Body. We know that some G-Body cars came from the factory with 3-speed, 4-speed, and yes even 5-speed manuals… ONLY from ’78 to ’80, and possibly into ’81. After that it was automatics ONLY.

Here’s the link straight away:

You’ll find lists of parts, with part numbers. Lots of images, (Although some have gone missing over time!) and lots of other data, install tips, and comments from other G-Body stick owners.

Be aware that the initial thread is quite old, and some of the info, prices, links, and other info is quite possibly out of date.


  1. So what info do you have about these five speed manual transmissions? The only thing I can see I’m using in that timeframe is a Getrag 282 and that’s a transaxle trans


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