Introducing Betty Rumble


So, its been quiet.  Too quiet.  What the hell, GBM, what gives?  Well, life gets in the way, people disappoint you, family engages you, and then you buy another project car and try to do too many things at once.

Wait did you say “buy another project car?”  Why yes, yes I did.

Say hello to Betty Rumble.

Betty Rumble is an all original (well it started that way) 1987 Cutlass Supreme with a scant 74k miles.  I found her on Craigslist locally, and the detailed maintenance history kept by the elderly 2nd owner, along with the lack of any rust and potential sold me.  I’ve driven the car several times since then, amounting to almost another 1K miles, and while there are issues, she’s reliable.

Yeah, I know, she’s not perfect.  But then who is, really?  A few dings and dents, the paint is totally crap, especially on the hood… somebody’s put a vinyl top on there where there shouldn’t be one (although its not a bad job) and the suspension is completely shot.  As in it squeaks and dives and feels like riding on a waterbed.  The original 307 and 200-r4 transmission seem to be in good running condition, but i think there is room for improvement.  We’ll be messing with the tuning and replacing worn out bits and pieces, but mainly leaving things intact.  No LS swaps or old-school big blocks just yet….

Since The Grey Car is still in overwhelm limbo, I had to get busy making something happen one small step at a time.  I’ve made a few changes already, which there will be other articles about, so stay tuned.  In the meantime, check out this literal go-to-church-on-Sunday car.  They’re still out there, folks, you just have to look and get lucky.


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